Fitness industry trend analysis to help identify, corroborate or re-evaluate your idea for a new gym, fitness studio or yoga centre

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There is zero downside to knowing your industry inside out. End of story. 

Connecting your new gym or fitness studio concept with relevant, current trends simply makes strategic sense and starts to build your narrative, becoming part of your storyline and key messaging right from day one. 

This process is part of Module 1 in our ‘Opening a Gym or Fitness Studio - Four Steps to Success’ online course so subscribe to our YouTube channel for more details of the course or check out . With that said, let’s dive right in…

Fitness trends analysis as a process

The key things to look out for are tangible examples or case studies that illustrate a trend, as well as some sense of its timeline or future growth potential, not to mention hard facts and data that make it tangible.

Once you have all of that, then we layer on the question of how each trend could be of relevance to your new gym or studio concept. Some will be, others less so but that’s all part of the plan.

So where do we go looking for examples of a trend, well that really depends on how deeply you are ingrained in the industry already and what your existing sources might be. 

Fitness trends & the media

The most obvious route is to use media articles with relevant keywords, such articles should be taken with a pinch of salt however as they are typically written by journalists rather than industry insiders or business analysts, meaning the editorial impact may be of more importance to the author / publisher than how much in-depth research has actually gone into the piece. Or maybe we are just cynical.

A healthy dose of skepticism IS useful in this instance, you’ll just have to use your own judgement for each online source, we have to at least be open to the fact that media give life to these new trends just as much as entrepreneurs creating the respective businesses.

Finding fertile ground for your new gym business

Equally, when there is genuine insight behind a trend, and you are able to apply your specific expertise to matching that unmet need with a new product or service that is perfectly timed for changing consumer tastes, well, then you have found fertile ground. And that, put simply, is what this whole exercise is about.

If are going to dedicate all this time and money to opening a new gym concept, fitness studio or yoga space, at least give yourself a chance by tapping into the current zeitgeist in some way. 

Our ‘Opening a Gym or Fitness studio’ course is for anyone hoping to open their own health or fitness facility and wants a concise, simple to follow, 4-step process to getting it right, without the need for expensive consultants. It is the course I wish I had found back in 2016 to help me on my journey.

To find out more, subscribe to our YouTube channel or visit our courses page at