Gym Goers: Why Stopping Smoking Will Help You Achieve Your Goals


heavy front squat with barbell

A new year always brings resolutions for a new you -   in the United Kingdom exercising more is usually top of the list with 49% of people who make a New Year’s resolution doing so with exercise in mind while 36% wish to lose weight, meaning people are going to gravitate towards a gym either way.

Regular exercise at the gym is something many people already manage, and even more aspire to in the new year.

A gym session every day or two provides numerous physical and mental health benefits, but they can be offset by another habit people wish to give up – smoking.

Around 11% of people wish to give up smoking as a New Year’s resolution, and rightly so.

It is hugely detrimental to health and is at odds with rigorous workouts and fitness provided by a gym, usually full of clean air and people focused on fitness and wellness.

As we explored in our recent piece Indoor Air Quality in Gyms and Wellness Facilities, the atmosphere in gyms can be one of good health - why would you poison that as soon as you leave with a cigarette?

If you are a smoker and your resolution in 2024 is to get fit, then there are many reasons why ditching cigarettes needs to be a part of the new you.

Why Gym Goers Should Give Up Smoking

Smoking’s negative effects are numerous, with many specific to gym-goers.

Physical Performance

One of the primary reasons gym-goers should quit smoking is the disastrous effect ithas on cardiorespiratory fitness.

Smoking damages the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leading to reduced lung capacity, increased heart rate, and diminished oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

All of this will limit your ability to get the best out of a gym session.

Smoking also hampers the body’s ability to recover from physical exertion, which is a vital component of building muscle mass. Smoking restricts blood flow, hinders the healing process, and even increases inflammation.

For gym-goers pushing their limit during workouts, a quick recovery is essential, and quitting smoking can facilitate this. It can also contribute to improved muscle recovery, ensuring that the body is ready for the next challenging session.

Finally, it interferes with the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, hindering the effectiveness of a balanced diet essential for those on a keep-fit drive.

Regular gym attendees invest time and effort into maintaining proper nutrition to support their fitness goals.

Quitting smoking helps to optimise nutrient absorption, ensuring that the body receives the necessary fuel for muscle growth, repair, and sustained energy levels.

Mental Performance

One huge benefit of physical exercise is that it makes you feel good. Pushing iron or running on a treadmill has been linked to cognitive improvements, such as improved memory and the famous ‘runner’s high’ that many get after exercise.

On the flip side, smoking has been associated with cognitive decline and can promote anxiety and dependence. By eliminating smoking from their routine, gym enthusiasts can maximise the cognitive benefits of their workouts, promoting a sharper mind and increased focus.

How Gym Goers Can Give Up Smoking

Luckily, giving up smoking is easier now than 20 years ago, with plenty of support and help available for gym-goers.

Smoking Alternatives

Those wishing to work out smoke-free can do so by replacing their smoking with a smoke-free alternative. Many of the ill effects of smoking come from the combustion and chemicals being burned directly into the body.

By exploring smoke-free options, gym-goers can get the nicotine hit but in a manner which is manageable. For instance, nicotine patches fix to the skin, usually the upper arm, to deliver nicotine slowly into the body for up to 24 hours.

They come in different strengths, and in the case of Nicorette Invisi patches, they are also available as a clear product now for ultimate discretion. If you’re lifting weights, you may not want other gym-goers to know you’re battling with smoking, so discretion is important.

Another popular smoking alternative is the nicotine pouch. Unlike patches, these go in the mouth, which makes them a little more discreet. They don’t last as long, usually up to 30 minutes, but there’s no fear of them falling off if you’re working up a sweat.

There are many popular brands, such as On!, LUCY and ZYN, all of which have differing strengths and even flavours. For instance, LUCY nicotine pouches  come in strengths as low as 4 mg for light smokers but as much as 12 mg for those used to light up every half hour or so.

With flavours such as espresso, apple and mango, LUCY pouches are a flexible way to deal with the cravings, whatever your tastes or levels of smoking.


One thing a good gym offers is a support network. Everyone there will be focused on their health, whether bodybuilding or just looking to drop a few pounds. That’s a ready-made support network accessible at all hours of the day and night.

You might not know the person on the machine next to you, but they’re on a fitness drive, just as you are. That means any wobble you might have when giving up smoking is something you can perhaps discuss with someone else.

Often, motivation for holding a New Year’s resolution can be found in simply discussing it with someone, and a gym provides that ready-made support base.