The Table Comes First - Adam Gopnik
Our review of longtime 'New Yorker' writer Adam Gopnik's 'The Table Comes First', a meandering history of restaurants and the meaning of food with a surprising number of primal / ancestral health insights.
The Great Work - Thomas Berry
This is our review of Thomas Berry's book The Great Work, a call to action for 21st century society to establish a more balanced, symbiotic relationship with nature to replace the purely extractive one currently in place.
The Natural Method - Georges Hebert
Here we delve into Georges Hebert's inter-war training protocol known as The Natural Method and its influence over everything from parkour to MovNat, Obstacle Course Races and our own Biofit classes.
Moshe Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement
This is our review of Moshe Feldenkrais's seminal text Awareness Through Movement including a video on its practical application to judo that should look fairly familiar to fans of natural movement, TacFit, BJJ and Ginastica Natural.
Evolution friendly fitness
This is our treatise for an evolutionarily correct, or evo-friendly, 21st century fitness regime. We explore the role of function over form, practice and play, interacting with nature and training for both fight & flight.
1 Hotel South Beach: nature-inspired hospitality
Our review of the sustainable luxury 1 Hotel South Beach, part of the American 1 Hotels brand.
NHS Forest Report - A Dose of Nature
A short report entitled A Dose of Nature by the NHS Forest Organization pulls together some of the increasingly compelling evidence on the physiological and psychological benefits of what's known as a Green Prescription, or in our terminology a hit of Vitamin N(ature).
Go Wild - book review
This is our review of John Ratey MD and Richard Manning's book - an evolutionary take on modern existence that covers everything from diet to sleep, movement, stress, ailments, connecting with nature and creating your own tribe.
INTERVIEW WITH Coach Raphan Kebe
Our interview with Biofit Coach Raphan Kebe touches on the importance of mobility in an industrial age where movement is no longer required in order to survive each day, the influence of the Feldenkrais method on his personal development and his top tips on fixing your squat; hint - ask an expert!
The Blue Zones, book review
This is our review of Dan Buettner's book The Blue Zones, with a particular focus on the similarities between the conclusions he draws and the lifestyle espoused by the primal lifestyle / evolutionary health community.