What Is an Infrared Sauna and what are its health benefits? A gym designer perspective


We have slowly been recommending and installing more and more infrared saunas as part of our gym design and wellness space consultancy services in recent years, typically as part of a recovery room or combined with an ice bath or float tank.

Infrared saunas in gym and spa design

As gym and spa designers, understanding the capabilities and advantages of infrared saunas can significantly enhance the appeal and functionality of wellness facilities.

This post explores the technology behind infrared saunas, their health benefits, how they can be integrated with other therapies like contrast baths, and their role in promoting human longevity.

trend report: recovery, biohacking, longevity in gym spa design


trend report: recovery, biohacking, longevity in gym spa design 〰️

clearlight sanctuary infrared sauna home gym

clearlight sanctuary infrared sauna home gym

What is an Infrared Sauna?

Definition and Explanation of Infrared Sauna Technology

An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared heaters to emit infrared light. This light is absorbed by the surface of the skin and then penetrates deeper into the body, directly heating it rather than merely warming the air around it.

Unlike traditional saunas, which rely on high temperatures and steam to heat the body, infrared saunas operate at lower temperatures, typically between 48°C to 65°C (120°F to 150°F), making the experience more comfortable and accessible to a broader range of users.

Understanding the tech behind an infrared sauna

Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that lies between visible light and microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum. This technology allows for a gentler and more efficient heating process that promotes deep tissue penetration without the intense heat associated with traditional saunas. As a result, users can enjoy prolonged sessions with less discomfort, maximizing the health benefits.

How It Differs from Traditional Saunas

Traditional saunas heat the body through convection by warming the air around the user. They typically operate at higher temperatures, ranging from 70°C to 100°C (160°F to 212°F), and can feel intensely hot and humid due to the steam generated.

This environment induces heavy sweating and cardiovascular stimulation but can be challenging for some individuals to tolerate, especially those with respiratory issues or heat sensitivity.

In contrast, infrared saunas provide a milder heat experience. The infrared light penetrates the skin, warming the body directly and promoting sweating at a lower ambient temperature. This method is not only more comfortable but also more efficient in terms of energy consumption.

Infrared saunas are particularly effective for people seeking the therapeutic benefits of heat without the extreme temperatures and humidity of traditional saunas.

Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas offer a range of health benefits that extend beyond mere relaxation. Here’s how regular sessions can contribute to overall well-being:

Infrared saunas can also improve blood circulation by promoting the dilation of blood vessels, which enhances blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body.

Detoxification and Sweating

One of the primary benefits of infrared saunas is detoxification. As the infrared light penetrates the skin, it promotes deep sweating, which helps to expel toxins and impurities from the body. This process supports the body’s natural detoxification pathways and can improve skin health by clearing pores and enhancing circulation.

Infrared saunas have been shown to facilitate the elimination of heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, and other environmental toxins. The deep, sustained sweating induced by infrared heat helps to flush out these harmful substances more effectively than traditional saunas. This detoxifying effect can lead to improved overall health and a more radiant complexion.

Pain Relief and Inflammation Reduction

Infrared saunas are highly effective in providing pain relief and reducing inflammation. The deep heat generated by infrared radiation penetrates muscle tissues and joints, which can alleviate pain and stiffness associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and muscle injuries.

The heat also promotes increased blood flow, which aids in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to damaged tissues, accelerating the healing process. For athletes and individuals recovering from injuries, infrared saunas offer a non-invasive and soothing way to manage pain and support recovery.

Cardiovascular Health and High Blood Pressure Management

Regular use of an infrared sauna can have significant benefits for cardiovascular health. The heat induces a mild increase in heart rate, akin to moderate physical exercise, which enhances cardiovascular conditioning without exertion. This process can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Studies have shown that infrared sauna therapy can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by improving endothelial function and reducing arterial stiffness. The relaxation induced by the sauna also helps to lower stress levels, which can positively impact heart health. For individuals with high blood pressure or those seeking to maintain optimal cardiovascular function, infrared saunas provide a safe and effective modality.

Infrared Sauna and Contrast Bath Therapy

How Contrast Bath Therapy Works

Contrast bath therapy, or contrast hydrotherapy, involves alternating between hot and cold water exposure to stimulate circulation and promote recovery. The therapy typically consists of immersing the body or specific body parts in hot water for a few minutes, followed by a brief immersion in cold water. This cycle is repeated several times.

The alternating temperatures cause blood vessels to expand and contract, enhancing blood flow and reducing muscle soreness and inflammation. This method is widely used by athletes and individuals recovering from injuries to accelerate the healing process and improve muscle recovery.

Combining Infrared Sauna with Contrast Bath Therapy

Integrating infrared sauna sessions with contrast bath therapy can amplify the benefits of both practices. The deep heat from the infrared sauna prepares the body by promoting relaxation and increasing blood flow, making it more receptive to the subsequent cold exposure in contrast baths.

This combination enhances circulation, aids in detoxification, and provides superior pain relief. The sauna’s heat helps to relax muscles and open pores, while the cold baths constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation. Together, these therapies create a powerful recovery regimen that supports physical and mental well-being.

Infrared Sauna and Human Longevity

The Role of Heat Stress in Promoting Human Longevity

Heat stress, such as that induced by infrared saunas, can stimulate cellular responses that protect against aging and disease. The process of hormesis, where exposure to mild stressors strengthens the body’s resilience, is at the heart of this benefit. Heat stress activates heat shock proteins (HSPs) that help repair damaged proteins and protect cells from oxidative stress.

This cellular response enhances the body’s ability to cope with environmental stresses and supports longevity. Regular exposure to infrared sauna heat can improve mitochondrial function, reduce inflammation, and promote the repair and regeneration of cells, all of which contribute to a longer and healthier life.

How Infrared Sauna Can Contribute to a Longer and Healthier Life

Infrared saunas contribute to human longevity by reducing oxidative stress, improving cardiovascular health, and supporting overall well-being. The detoxification process helps to remove harmful substances that can accelerate aging, while the cardiovascular benefits promote heart health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Additionally, the deep relaxation and stress reduction provided by infrared saunas enhance mental health and improve sleep quality, both of which are crucial for maintaining long-term health. By incorporating regular infrared sauna sessions into your wellness routine, you can support your body’s natural defenses and promote a longer, healthier life. In modern times, the growing trend of infrared saunas highlights their contemporary relevance and benefits.

Safety Precautions and Risks

Contraindications and Precautions for Using Infrared Saunas

While infrared saunas offer numerous benefits, certain individuals should exercise caution or avoid use altogether. Those with specific medical conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, severe burns, open wounds, or infections, should consult a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna. Pregnant women are also advised to avoid infrared saunas due to potential risks to the developing fetus.

It’s important to start with shorter sessions and gradually increase duration to allow your body to acclimate to the heat. Staying hydrated and monitoring your body’s response during and after sessions can help prevent adverse effects.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Infrared Sauna Use

Although infrared saunas are generally safe, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of. Prolonged exposure to heat can lead to dehydration, dizziness, or heat exhaustion. It’s crucial to drink plenty of water before and after sessions to maintain hydration.

Some users may experience mild skin irritation or burns if they remain in the sauna for too long or if the temperature is too high. Listening to your body and adjusting the session length and temperature accordingly can help mitigate these risks. If you experience any discomfort or adverse symptoms, exit the sauna immediately and seek medical advice if necessary.

Infrared saunas in athletic recovery rooms - our perspective as gym designers

A well-designed training space is crucial in wellness facilities to ensure member engagement and deliver the desired training experience.

For more insights on recovery, biohacking, and longevity in spa design, visit the Biofit trend report. Embrace the power of infrared saunas and unlock a new dimension of health and wellness in your fitness and spa facilities.


Infrared saunas offer a wealth of health benefits, from detoxification and pain relief to improved cardiovascular health and enhanced longevity. As a gym or spa designer, incorporating infrared sauna technology into your facilities can elevate the wellness experience for clients, providing them with a powerful tool for achieving optimal health and well-being.

When integrating infrared saunas into your health regimen, it’s important to consider safety precautions and combine them with other therapies, such as contrast bath therapy, to maximize their benefits. By understanding the capabilities and advantages of infrared saunas, you can create a wellness space that meets the evolving needs of health-conscious individuals and supports their journey towards a healthier, longer life.


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