Sustainable Gyms: LEED Certified Sports Complexes and Leisure Centres — Gym Designers + Fitness Consultants
Our review of several of the best LEED sustainability certified gyms, sports complexes and spa resorts that integrate sustainable building and interior concepts such as energy efficiency, water efficiency, sustainable materials, indoor environmental quality and so on. Biofit gym consultants.
Hotel Gyms, Fitness & Sports Activities with Dimitris Issaris of Sani & IKOS Resorts
Dimitris Issaris is Director of Sports & Recreation for Sani Resort in Greece and for all IKOS Resorts, currently in Greece with new properties under development in Spain and Portugal. In this conversation we discuss resorts gyms, hotel fitness programs, sports brand partnerships and more.
Hotel gym design - a consultant's view
Hotel gym design - a consultant's view on this niche market and the importance of having an external advisor who can curate the equipment selection from multiple brands according to the hotel’s design, brand personality and target audience